NYCRA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, citizenship status or any other characteristics protected by law and remains dedicated to advancing diversity within its organization and the broader legal community.

To learn more about our purpose and administration, please read the by-laws below.

The name of this nonprofit organization is the New York City Recruitment Association (NYCRA).  It is hereinafter referred to in these by-laws as the Association.
The principal office for the transaction of the business of this Association shall be the business mailing address of the Member who has been duly elected Treasurer.

Section 1General Powers.  Association administration shall be comprised of a Board of Elected Officers, consisting of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.  It is their duty to plan and oversee all Association-sponsored functions during their respective terms of office.

Section 2Number.  The number of Elected Officers shall be four, which shall include a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, or such additional number as shall be decided by the Elected Officers from time to time.

Section 3Meetings.  Meetings of the Membership shall be held at any location within the City of New York as designated by the Board.  Discussions at any meeting of the New York City Recruitment Association that would be regarded as a violation of antitrust laws are prohibited.  This includes any discussion of information regarding salaries and/or benefits packages.

Section 4Notice.  Notice of General Meetings shall be sent to the Member Representative at the address of that Member appearing on the books of the Association.  All notices of meetings shall be sent not less than seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting.  The notice shall specify the place, date and hour of the meeting, and the nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting.

Section 5Nomination.  All registered members of the Association who have been active for a minimum of one (1) year shall be eligible for nomination to serve as an elected officer.  Members in good standing shall send nominations for available offices to any Elected Officer in March of each year.  This can be done via e-mail or other written correspondence.  All nominations should be noted on the e-mail or correspondence and sent to the Board for inclusion in the general election.  The three Association Members who receive the greatest number of nominations will be placed on the ballot for elections.

Section 6Election.  Ballots will be prepared in accordance with the nominations made and shall be distributed to all Members of the Association for voting.  Ballots shall be returned to the Board within an appointed time period and counted by no fewer than two (2) members of the Board.  The election process will begin in March and end in April.

Section 7Terms.  Each elected official shall not be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.  Terms shall be effective beginning as of April 1st.  The member elected as Vice-Chair shall serve the first year in that capacity and the second year of his or her term as the Chair for a total of a two-year term.  Each year a new Vice-Chair and either a Secretary or Treasurer, depending on the year of election, will be elected.

Section 8Chair.  The Chair shall be responsible for the administration of the Association.  The Chair shall act as the primary informative contact for Members, prospective Members, law schools, city groups, vendors, etc.  When necessary the Chair shall assist the Member(s) in charge of each meeting.

Section 9Vice-Chair.  The Vice-Chair shall serve as an assistant to the Chair.  The Vice-Chair assumes the duties of the Chair after one year of term as Vice-Chair or in the event the Chair is unable to complete the term of elected office.  The Vice-Chair manages the Association’s Mentor-Mentee Program.

Section 10Secretary.  The Secretary shall be responsible for overseeing a current Association membership list, disseminating correspondence to the Membership, collecting and tracking responses for all Association programming, and circulating notice of any other communications the Chair may direct.  The Secretary is also responsible for coordinating and organizing Membership meetings.

Section 11Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall be responsible for developing and maintaining a bookkeeping system and bank account for the Association.  The Treasurer shall administer the dues collection process and any necessary follow-up, shall reimburse Members who incur expenses on behalf of the Membership, maintain the financial records of the organization and provide the Secretary with names of Member Representatives.  The Treasurer is also responsible for administering the election process.

Section 12Public Statements.  No officer shall make a public statement on behalf of the Association without a prior discussion regarding the issue at a Board meeting.

Dues in an amount to be fixed periodically shall be assessed annually to each Member Organization.  Notification of request for dues payment shall be made by the Treasurer.  Each December, Members will be requested to update the information of their respective Organization, along with the name, title, phone number and e-mail address of the Member Representatives for that Organization.  Dues shall be payable as of January 31 of each year following the immediate year in which the dues notification request is communicated.
These by-laws may be altered, amended, or repealed, and new by-laws may be adopted by a majority of the Elected Officers present at any regular meeting or at any special meeting.
Last revised March 27, 2014